On May 14th, 2007 we joined Team in Training and became part of our first ever marathon adventure. A marathon dedicated to finding a cure for cancer. Signing up for a 26mile race was a very scary experience to say the least!!! To be honest, we can both find ourselves out of breath running up the basement stairs, LOL!!! When we found out about TNT we felt it was a great way to get in shape while supporting a well deserved cause. The following blogs are journal entries of what the process was really like for us. From first day training, till race day, we'll be keeping a log of our efforts, set-backs and triumphs. We'll also keep you posted on our fundraising achievements. Check back from time to time to see how we're doing. We'll need encouragement and support during this process, but not as much as those battling cancer!

Almost There!!! 09-18-07 through 09-23-07

We're certainly on track and ready for the big day (October 21st), but I'll admit this past week was a bust!!!! After our 18miles we found ourselves quite sore and unmotivated to get in our miles. We took 4 days completely off - go ahead and call the running police! This past weekend we made our way to Dodge Park with the hopes of getting in another 16 miles. After 7 miles we decided to call it a day. Nothing seemed to be going right. Our pacing, breathing, clothes (due to the temperature shifts) and other obstacles just got in the way. We decided to regroup and come back for a 10 mile run the next day. In the mean time we went shopping!!! Kelly and I have been miserable trying to carry our water bottles for extended runs so we picked up a water belt (light weight - carries 40oz.). I also picked up a couple knee straps. Around mile 3 the tendons running along side my knees have been causing serious discomfort. I decided to give the braces a try. We also picked up some odd and end things to help prepare for the big day (like body lube - don't ask!!!!). It turns out we had a great 10mile run and Kelly was able to complete the loop with a 10min. 20sec. pace. Here is our next plan. The long runs are killing our bodies, so we're going to take the intensity down after this week. Kelly and I agreed to keep the miles short (3-5 tops) Monday through Thursday. Friday night we are going to try a 24mile run (our house to Metro Beach). That will be our last BIG run before the 26.2 marathon. We'll be conditioned enough to lower the miles from then till the race. I know we'll need the time to rest and heal. We'll keep you posted on how the week goes!

1 comment:

Kelly Hooton said...

Sounds like a good plan you guys. After you have done a few of these crazy marathons, the body will adapt to the higher mileage. Smart to just lay low and heal. Randy it sounds like you are having Illotibial Band Syndrome (also known as the IT band). It is not uncommon to experience this with the higher mileage. You can google some info. or I can send you my running book tomorrow at school. There are some easy fixes. Best to you both.
