On May 14th, 2007 we joined Team in Training and became part of our first ever marathon adventure. A marathon dedicated to finding a cure for cancer. Signing up for a 26mile race was a very scary experience to say the least!!! To be honest, we can both find ourselves out of breath running up the basement stairs, LOL!!! When we found out about TNT we felt it was a great way to get in shape while supporting a well deserved cause. The following blogs are journal entries of what the process was really like for us. From first day training, till race day, we'll be keeping a log of our efforts, set-backs and triumphs. We'll also keep you posted on our fundraising achievements. Check back from time to time to see how we're doing. We'll need encouragement and support during this process, but not as much as those battling cancer!

July 14th - 12, 13, or 14 miles???

Went to Dodge Park to get in my longer Saturday run. I was supposed to run 12 miles today. This was my first time at Dodge Park and they have a crazy mile marker system that I couldn't figure out. Every few minutes I'd pass a marker that read 1mile. I decided to just go off of time. I ran for 55min. (which was one complete loop from the starting point to a side trail that ends at VanDyke and Hall Rd. I asked a few people about the distance. One thought it was 6miles, another 6.5, and yet another 7 miles. Whatever... I took a quick water break and ran it again. Like the title above indicates - 12, 13 or 14miles (not sure)??? I did complete both runs in 55min. though, so I kept a good pace for 1hour/50min. and felt great at the end. Legs were tight, but I could have kept going.

- Randy

1 comment:

Kelly Hooton said...

Whoohooo!!! Randy, you are on your way to an awesome marathon!!! I have a t-shirt that reads, "The journey is the destination". That quote makes me think of your team. Your marathon time is not your destinations, but rather the awareness you are spreading regarding cancer, raising funds for a cure, and the inner strength you are building individually. It makes me think about how we are defined as a person by what we do. Your marathon time looks like it is going to be an awesome one (a bonus to your hard work). Way to go team!!!