On May 14th, 2007 we joined Team in Training and became part of our first ever marathon adventure. A marathon dedicated to finding a cure for cancer. Signing up for a 26mile race was a very scary experience to say the least!!! To be honest, we can both find ourselves out of breath running up the basement stairs, LOL!!! When we found out about TNT we felt it was a great way to get in shape while supporting a well deserved cause. The following blogs are journal entries of what the process was really like for us. From first day training, till race day, we'll be keeping a log of our efforts, set-backs and triumphs. We'll also keep you posted on our fundraising achievements. Check back from time to time to see how we're doing. We'll need encouragement and support during this process, but not as much as those battling cancer!

July 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th - OUCH! Shin Splints

The 8th was scheduled for a run, but I switched it with the 9th's day off because of some sharp pains that have been building in my one leg after the longer Saturday runs. I've started to develop some pretty strong pains in my left leg. Shin splints I believe. I tried to change it up a bit, instead of running on the pavement (which is much harder on my legs) I went to the gym to get in some runs on the treadmill. On the 9th and 10th I ran 4miles at a 9min pace. Today, I ran outside, around the neighborhood, for 5miles in 43min/44sec. The average pace was just a little over 8.5min. per mile. Seems like I do better outside in the fresh air rather than inside next to someone that smells like Coney Island...Go Figure?!? If anyone has a good suggestion on how to ease the pain of shin splints please let me know...I'm known to try just about anything. Jack Daniels worked, but only for a couple hours!

- Randy


Mama Smurf said...

Alright dude....we can't loose any more to injuries darn it! Found this site on shin splints....READ IT NOW!!!!


Kelly said...

MANY MANY Thanks Tammy!!! Went to the site and already decided to wrap my leg, elevate it on a pillow, and not move from the couch. If Kelly gets mad I'll tell her to call you in order to strengthen my defense.