On May 14th, 2007 we joined Team in Training and became part of our first ever marathon adventure. A marathon dedicated to finding a cure for cancer. Signing up for a 26mile race was a very scary experience to say the least!!! To be honest, we can both find ourselves out of breath running up the basement stairs, LOL!!! When we found out about TNT we felt it was a great way to get in shape while supporting a well deserved cause. The following blogs are journal entries of what the process was really like for us. From first day training, till race day, we'll be keeping a log of our efforts, set-backs and triumphs. We'll also keep you posted on our fundraising achievements. Check back from time to time to see how we're doing. We'll need encouragement and support during this process, but not as much as those battling cancer!

June 28th Prayers needed!!!!!

Anyone who sees us day to day knows how much pain I have been in this week. I started hurting a bit last Thursday but ran through it successfully. So I thought. We went up north for the weekend and planned on running our scheduled 8 miles on Saturday. The roads were hilly and very scary. I found out quickly that I don't like running on roads so much where the cars are coming at you 70 mph. Not my thing at all. Stoney Creek or our subdivision suits me just fine. Anyway I ran 4 miles without too much of a problem, although I was quite a few minutes behind my normal time. At our turn around to head back to the cottage for the last 4 I stopped to stretch a bit. When I started up again I don't think I even got a mile and I had to stop. I basically crawled the rest of the way. My left ankle (on the inside) and my right knee have been @#$% ever since!!!! I haven't ran since Saturday and it's been very depressing. I have been icing and resting, bought new shoes and nothing seems to be helping. Standing for hours at work doesn't help. I went out this morning to test the waters and I barely walked a mile. Of course, had a quick little meltdown when I got home. Hopefully I will heal up soon and this will be my only set back for the rest of training. Anyone who may be reading this please say a prayer for me!!!! I'm dying to get out there and run. I've really come to enjoy running and I miss it!


1 comment:

Chrysoula said...

Hm, sounds like someone needs a massage! ;) Hang in there, Kelly, and take care of yourself! Holding you & your boo-boo joints in my thoughts & prayers--

(Also known as Chrys, Betty, or Al, depending on my mood or the length of my whiskers.)